Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Weej's Story (aka "Our Support Letter") 

Dear family and friends,                                                                        
I am writing to share something the Lord is/has been doing in our lives and then ask for your help. Let me first apologize for the generic letter. As you will read, we are under some time constraints and this seemed to be the best way to get the word out to everyone. Nevertheless, please accept my apology.
Wow! Where to begin? I will try to give you the Cliff’s note version. Please know I will not be able to describe all of the amazing things God has done in this version. We may need to write a book! Seriously!
Several years ago, I think it has been almost seven years now, Debbie, my lovely bride, came to me saying the Lord had placed in her heart a desire - no, a need - to adopt. Not only that, but specifically a little boy from Russia.  I responded as would any loving, compassionate husband with “Are you smoking crack?! I am perfectly happy with the three kids we have, thank you very much. We do not have the time, money, or space for another child, let alone, someone else’s child. What are you thinking?” And on and on I ranted. Undeterred, my Godly wife gave a quiet answer and began praying. She prayed A LOT, unbeknownst to me. Occasionally, every six months or so, she would leave a note asking me to please pray about adopting a child, as this was still  heavy on her heart. I was praying - praying this would go away!
Fast forward about five years. Following a men’s Bible study, I was outside talking with a close friend, when the Lord made it very clear to me that I was in His way! In no uncertain terms, I understood that we were indeed to pursue adoption. I went home and shared this encounter with Deb and the kids (BTW, the kids had been on board with this for years!) They were thrilled!
So, still thinking I was in control and had to make this happen on my own, we decided to move forward with a domestic (foster) adoption. This was a simple choice for me as we had no money to spare and doing an international adoption was expensive! We signed up for the required classes through the Dept. of Children and Families. These were held for three hours every Tuesday for 10 weeks. We were committed though and finished the classes. We then filled out a mountain of paper work to get approved to adopt. This was followed by a “Home Study” and in September 2011, we were finally approved. At this point, our search for the little boy God had for us began in earnest. 
Fast forward again to New Year’s Eve 2011. Deb noticed a friend’s Facebook post during our holiday visit to WV, saying there was a little boy from Ukraine being hosted for Christmas in Central FL. Would we like to meet him? “Sure, can’t hurt,” I said. “But just remember, there is no way we can do an international adoption. It is really expensive.” Well, meet him we did. To save space, please know that God soon made it crystal clear to us that this little boy was “The One”. Our little boy is waiting for us in Ukraine!
We have been moving forward since mid-January on the journey to make this little guy a part of our family. We have started the approval process again, only this time, we are funding it. I have come to believe that the money we need to complete this process, nearly $30,000, is really not a problem. Talk about a 180-degree turnaround in my thinking! If this is God’s will, as we think it is, He will provide what is needed and more!
We have plans to hold garage sales and charity dinners, and possibly a talent show to raise the needed funds. However, since many of you may be unable to attend charity events, we are presenting you with an opportunity to assist us in rescuing our second son!  We were granted permission to utilize an existing charitable fund (501-c3) to allow people to support us in this effort. Donations can be made anonymously and are completely tax-deductible. As I mentioned, time is of the essence. In order to plan effectively and expedite this process, we need to receive the majority of this support by the end of March. To help us, simply send a check or money order to the organization below:
International Concern for Children's Foundation, Inc (ICCF)
P.O. Box 1714
Merrimack , NH 03054
Please write “Lynch Family Adoption” on the memo line to ensure the donation comes to us. The organization will consolidate all donations and send them to us. If you would like to let us know you are supporting or praying for us, or would like more information about our journey, please drop us a card, e-mail, or visit our blog. We realize that times are tough right now so please don’t feel obligated to give. The Lord, who owns the cattle on a thousand hills, is in control of this effort. He will make a way. If you know someone who has a heart for adoption, please share this letter. Finally, we ask you to please join us in praying the Lord’s perfect Will be done in this situation and in the life of our family. Thank you for your prayers and support.

God Bless-


We have completed our portion of the (mountains of) paperwork for our home study and scheduled our home visit for Friday, March 9th!  Now we are setting up our fundraising events and I will post dates once they are confirmed!  Events we are hoping to include are a:  pancake breakfast, charity dinner, a Family Fun day, a Talent Show and a Yard sale.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

An email for our adoption

We're still trying to figure out how to use this gizmo. So if this works, you should be able to send us an e-mail at the link below. This e-mail has been set up specifically for correspondance regarding our adoption journey. We may not answer right away, so please be patient with us. :-)

Monday, February 27, 2012

Deb's story

Where do we even start?!  We are on an amazing ride of blind faith...trusting the Lord to provide what is necessary to bring home our second son.  He is in Ukraine...waiting for us.    We met him on January 5th, 2012 while he was visiting the US for 3 weeks with several other Ukrainian orphans.   We were able to spend one more day with him on January 8th before he returned to Ukraine on January 9th.  We adore him.  He exemplifies what God says in Galatians 3:20: "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think....".  God  has directed us to a little guy who matches our family in more ways than we ever even thought to ask!!!
Our family and our second son's awesome, amazing Host family!:)

This son has been written on my heart since October 2004.   In the often painful wait to find the son whom I felt was missing from our family, I have experienced so much more of God than I ever thought possible.  After all, wasn't faith just a matter of attending Church, reading my Bible now and then, and praying for those who were in need?   From God's initial prompting to adopt in October 2004 to actualy meeting the son who God had for us on January 5, 2012, I have been able to see God at work, over and over.  He continually reassured me that He had a plan in amazing ways.  Over and over I tearfully begged God to take this burden from me if it was not from Him....and since He didn't, I continued to wait and hope in Him.

"Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, and He shall strenghten your heart; Wait, I say, on the LORD!"  Psalm 27:14

I am forever grateful for the valley God brought me through so that I might be able to rely fully upon Him, know Him and see Him at work.  If it had been simply a matter of deciding to adopt, metioning it to my husband the next day, starting on the process the following day and writing a check with the big pile of money we had in the bank (?!?) the next day, where would faith come in?   God has to move mountains in this....and already has moved many!  I will attempt to update this blog often as we move along this exciting adventure but wanted to get started with a brief "nutshell" version of our story.  Thank you for your interest in our journey!  We are SO grateful to God for you!

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.  Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in him, And He shall bring it to pass."  Psalm 37:4-5