Monday, February 27, 2012

Deb's story

Where do we even start?!  We are on an amazing ride of blind faith...trusting the Lord to provide what is necessary to bring home our second son.  He is in Ukraine...waiting for us.    We met him on January 5th, 2012 while he was visiting the US for 3 weeks with several other Ukrainian orphans.   We were able to spend one more day with him on January 8th before he returned to Ukraine on January 9th.  We adore him.  He exemplifies what God says in Galatians 3:20: "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think....".  God  has directed us to a little guy who matches our family in more ways than we ever even thought to ask!!!
Our family and our second son's awesome, amazing Host family!:)

This son has been written on my heart since October 2004.   In the often painful wait to find the son whom I felt was missing from our family, I have experienced so much more of God than I ever thought possible.  After all, wasn't faith just a matter of attending Church, reading my Bible now and then, and praying for those who were in need?   From God's initial prompting to adopt in October 2004 to actualy meeting the son who God had for us on January 5, 2012, I have been able to see God at work, over and over.  He continually reassured me that He had a plan in amazing ways.  Over and over I tearfully begged God to take this burden from me if it was not from Him....and since He didn't, I continued to wait and hope in Him.

"Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, and He shall strenghten your heart; Wait, I say, on the LORD!"  Psalm 27:14

I am forever grateful for the valley God brought me through so that I might be able to rely fully upon Him, know Him and see Him at work.  If it had been simply a matter of deciding to adopt, metioning it to my husband the next day, starting on the process the following day and writing a check with the big pile of money we had in the bank (?!?) the next day, where would faith come in?   God has to move mountains in this....and already has moved many!  I will attempt to update this blog often as we move along this exciting adventure but wanted to get started with a brief "nutshell" version of our story.  Thank you for your interest in our journey!  We are SO grateful to God for you!

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.  Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in him, And He shall bring it to pass."  Psalm 37:4-5


  1. We are excited to see where God leads us in this effort to bring home this little guy.

  2. Love getting to see your blog. So exciting. To see where God is leading you and also us. Yipeeeeeeeeee!
    Love "p"

  3. Debbie,
    You know the Garcia famiy will continue to lift you up in prayer! So excited for your sweet family and the journey God is leading you on :)
    Blessings, Rebecca
