Saturday, September 29, 2012

Standing Amazed

Standing Amazed
To update where I left off last night, we had an excellent spaghetti dinner Friday night, compliments of my awesome husband.  We fed our Host, S., his precious fiance I., her daughter, K., two of their friends, Sa. & Sl., and the six of us.  After dinner, our young at heart Host said, "put on your coats we're going outside."  We followed him to the nearest "city square" (more of a triangle) and he hosted a FIREWORKS SHOW for V. to celebrate him finding a family!!!   Unreal, this guy is!  S., we still consider you "The Most Interesting Man in the World"!   Evidently elaborate fireworks are completely legal here, so he had an entire beautiful show in a box which he lit once, stood back and we all watched the show.  We set off several car alarms and made one grumpy man unhappy.  He said he called the police and we'd better run...but there were two police sitting at the intersection when we started and they just drove by!   It was quite a wonderful evening! 
Saturday, Sept. 29
OK, I could blog more about “we went here, then we went there, ate this, ate that..and I may do some of that…but for the most part I’m still amazed at this little boy God has given us.  After spending a day sightseeing with him, my heart is overflowing!  One of my top love languages is physical touch- V. cannot get enough hugs and holding hands.  One of Ab.’s top love languages is also physical touch- so she is also melting with all of V.’s snuggly, cuddly attention as well.  Not to be left out, Jonah and Anna love silly & zany- and V is all of that…. A LOT of that, too!!:)   Sweet little V. already adores his Daddy, too, and frequently holds his hand, hugs on him and leapt into his arms a few times!   He truly is irresistible.   How was this sweet boy overlooked for 6 years at the orphanage?  I’m glad he wasn’t snatched up before…he is MY treasure…but just pondering.   Thanking God for keeping him safe for me.
One of the highlights of my day today was visiting the Lavra, which was founded in 1051, and has been a preeminent center of Eastern Orthodox Christianity in Eastern Europe.  While I am not Eastern Orthodox, the sounds coming from the Church, similar to a Gregorian Chant with a large Choir, were simply beautiful!   As we were meandering about the grounds, taking pictures, we noticed the Church service had started and, V. asked if we could go in.  We did for a moment (people come and go, everyone stands), and the music enveloped me.  The harmonies and beauty and God’s majesty brought me to tears as I stood there arm in arm with my newest little guy.  V. knew these songs and sang along in Ukrainian.  It was, again, surreal. 
I’m not sure why God chose us for this adventure, but I am beyond thankful that He did. 
I will conclude with some photos from our amazing day with the SIX of us, our Host S. and our great friends P & J, in no particular order.  I am very visual so a picture truly does speak a thousand words to me. 
I think we stumbled upon The Golden Onion Dome factory.  We lined up in order of height, and I discovered I am between my big kids and my little kids.

V. picked flowers for all the Ladies in our group

Tasty paninis for only $2:)

P. & J.

My Big Baby and Me

J, An, Ab & V.

Our Incredible Host, S. 

S. already loved V. even before he knew we existed! 

S. is a BIG KID himself!  Having a staredown with An.

V. loves his Daddy...I think the feeling is mutual!

My boys!

Zany V., Metro Face An. and Sassy J.:)

Dad & the kids

The G rated version of this poster V. wanted to pose in!  The full length version is PG in my opinion.:)

My Four Kids at the Lavra Monastery

J. and her Mafia Card!

Our Biiiiig $12 Pizza at Mafia Restaurant

The Happy Moms

1 comment:

  1. Smiling so much right now as I read your words! God is so good and His works are perfect!! Praising Him for these memories now and for years to come as He works out His perfect plan in your sweet family :)
