Sunday, April 22, 2012

Best Pancakes Ever

OK, my husband ROCKS!  He started cooking at 5 am on Saturday and between 8-10am yesterday fed 80 people.  He let us help him serve, but wouldn't let us help in the kitchen while he was cooking.  He's a bit of a "Pancake Nazi":)  We had great food, lots of great fellowship and made about $400!!   We are so thankful to those who made the trek out to Clermont from Windermere and the other side of Orlando for our event!  It was great to have surprise visitors from our former life group, too! 
To keep it real, in spite of the great turnout and progress made toward bringing V home, today was a very hard day for me.  Have you ever awakened with a "cloud" over you?  After talking with our friends who are also on a path to adopt yesterday (who were two of the 4 who came WAY out to Clermont:) I realized my expectations as to when we can bring V home have been a little unrealistic. I was hoping that after we submit our dossier (mountain of paperwork) to Ukraine that we'd be able to travel over in a month or so.  (OK, I know you who are adopting are rolling on the floor laughing now!:)   But after talking to our friends yesterday, they said they were told it would be more like FOUR months.  Wow, that hit me really hard.  I've already waited 7 years to find the son I felt was missing.  V has been waiting almost that long for his family.   And now I have to wait MORE??  So even though I was fine yesterday, it just hit me hard today and I just couldn't stop crying.   And I'm not a "crying girl" all.    You can even ask my husband.  But I must have filled an entire travel pack of Kleenex throughout the day.  Fortunately GOD lifted me up, though.   I went to Church (even though I would have rather stayed in bed) and by the end of tonight, His words for me and fellowship & laughter with our Church family have lifted me out of that sad place.  I LOVE our Church family- who made up a large part of our Pancake Eaters yesterday- thank you Liberty!


  1. Oh No!!! I don't want you to cry Deb!!!! I know the feeling! I just want to go get our boys and bring them home. It's all in God's time and if he wants Vlad here sooner, it will happen that way and we both know it. Right now i think we both need this time to be working on raising funds to get our boys home and i just imagine how heart wrenching it would be if the paper work was done and wait for us to come up with money. SO you worry your pretty little head. We will work together to do all that is required to bring our boys home! You two are awesome and we loved meeting your kids... just one more left to meet!

  2. I'm fine now! No worries! I was just under attack yesterday...big time! I am back to my glass half full self & not worried at all. Plus, check out the timelines reported in the Ukraine group you started. Doesn't sound like most have had to wait 4 months after dossier just to travel (maybe for return trip, but not initial trip over) Hoping & praying for quick turn-around for ALL of us! And even if it is 4 months..."I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!!":)
