Saturday, April 7, 2012

Praising God!

I am praising God for an awesome report from International Concern for Children Foundation!  We received $2,650 in donations toward our adoption just this week!!!  I think that makes this the best week yet! Thank you cannot express our gratitude for what you have done to support our rescue mission.  We are now 27% of the way to our goal!!! 

Quite honestly, we had hoped to be closer to our goal by now...but God has continually met our needs as they have arisen so we are very grateful! On the day we met our little guy, my husband got his bonus so we were able to initiate our home study. At the time we needed more money to do our fingerprinting, we got our tax return.  Now we are preparing to submit our immigration form "Application for Advance Processing of  Orphan Petition", which costs ~$1,000, and we have enough donations to do so.  God has met every need along this path so far!  So we choose to continue to trust Him. God has given us a promise and is meeting our by day.  Manna from Heaven.    Thank you all for your support, encouragement, interest, prayers, etc. etc. etc.  This journey would be much, much harder without you!!!!

Also, I want to thank God for what He did for us to provide for OUR ADOPTION into His family!!  Our tiny, little concerns are nothing compared to His sacrifice for us.  We are SO thankful that He loved us so much! 

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