Thursday, November 29, 2012

Home at Last!

Nov. 29, 2011

Our last two weeks in Ukraine were like a whirlwind with NO time to record anything. Once we finally obtained the amended court decree, we were able to get the birth certificate, passport, id codes, medical and visa with only minimal difficulty over the following 2 weeks. I hope to go back and fill in the details soon, but for now I wanted to let you know we are FINALLY home!


We opted to stay three extra days in Ukraine to attend the amazing wedding of Sv. & Ir., our hosts for 6 weeks. It was beautiful and SO fun! Two days before the wedding, we had the weirdest Thanksgiving ever by eating dinner at Arizona Barbecue with a fellow displaced adopting American, Li., and two of our amazing Ukrainian friends, Sl. & Sa. After dinner, Sv. & Ir. met us for a fireworks celebration of our completed adoption.

On Monday, November 26th, we arrived in the US to an amazing crowd of 35 friends with balloons, signs and SMILES! Jumping, screaming happy people!! Fortunately, J2 was also welcomed by three of his Ukrainian friends, two who have been adopted and one who is here in the area going to college. It was awesome!

Our first two days home have been great. W. took Tuesday off to spend with us and I followed J2 around with my camera recording all of his "firsts" here:) As a friend said, it's like having a new baby-except he can actually understand what he is seeing and will remember it! Our first two days were filled with wonder, perfect sunny weather, a new bike, scooter time, new brothers climbing trees together, all four kids on the trampoline making up funny games, helping Dad mow the lawn and fix bikes, family bike ride, picnic at the park, dinner with friends and Church last night.

SO good to be home, in our own beds, cozy & safe, drying fluffy clothes in my DRYER, driving my van, loading the dishwasher, and getting ice and clean water from the door of the fridge!:) May we never take these American luxuries for granted again!

More info to come……J

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