Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Week in Pictures!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

J2 and his best friends from school & Church

The Amazing Food at J.V.'s going away party.

J.V. and his foster Mom, Sv.

J.V. and his Pink Elephant, "Jerry":)

J1 and his new friend, Doolka.

J.V. and the amazing Founder of the Orphanage, Ro.

J.V. and his new Bible with the Founder and Executive Director of FH

Our Family with Ro.

Our Family and J.V.'s Pastor and Foster Mom.

Adventures in cramming into Ukrainian vehicles:)

Friday, October 26, 2012

J1, J2 & An. working tirelessly on the Carnival lego set.

J2 reading his Ukrainian Bible in the beautiful window seat.:)

Ab. likes the Grilled chicken sandwich so we took a picture to show the vendor so she wouldn't get another "Hum & beacon" sandwich:)

Chilly day for Brrrrrr-ritoes:)

"Parenting is like this plate of pancakes- they aren't all perfect but we love them all the same".- Sv. O.

Not sure what is going on here on Kreshatyk.  The tank was for display, fortunately:)

My chilly kids and our precious friend, Sl.  What will we do without Sl. & Sa. when we leave??:( 
Our super skater:)

Sweet brother helping his little sister:)

The Girlies

My handsome boy in the balcony at his Church

Foster sisters, Ya., and Al., with J.V.

J. V. tells us this says, God Bless You!

Our Family, minus our fearless leader, Weej.

J.V. and his Pastor.  We like the flags behind them!

My beautiful flowers

Terrific Lunch with an AMAZING Family:) 

My sweet boy and my flowers from his Church!

My funny boys!

Cappucino at Coffee House!  Missing Ox., though!

Yummy, Syrnyki.  We LOVE these things..cottage cheese pancake-type things.  Mmmmm.
Oh, Sa. just told us she knows how to make we're going to find out!

Having a donut!:)
J1 struck this pose and made a Ukrainian lady laugh OUT LOUD!:)

After the first pose, we spent the next 30 - 45 min posing all over the Mall!

My big kids:)
This one is for P&J....Zzhhh. 

Awww....the Girls:)

Adventures in Ukrainian toilets!  Notice the holes in the least it let some light in!:)

The mysterious building where we had to get the "unprecendented" documents.

My "Littles" on the playground

Teeter totter.  That is our white van in the background. 

Cute little An. in a cute little tree, with a cute little house in the background.

Mmmmm- McDonalds Filet-O-Fish- can you translate it?:)  Sa. said the first two words say, "Fish" and something like, "a Delicacy"!  Ha!:) 

Adventures in Grocery shopping!   This is the checkout line. A picture cannot capture how tight this makes me feel SOOO claustrophobic! In addition to being HOT in there, with 4 kids swirling... OH, how I long for American grocery stores!

Here we go...with (4) 13 pound bottles of water and 5 heavy bags..walking home.  Missing my minivan AND my grocery shopper!:)

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