Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A Very Calm Day

October 2, 2012
School in Kiev
Today was a relaxing day around the apartment, catching up on school work and resting our weary legs!  We had an amazing day homeschooling here in Kiev and got SO much done.  I pondered why I was so much more efficient here, but realized that we have much fewer reponsibilities here than we do at home.  No appointments, phone ringing, no mail to sort through, etc. etc etc.  Quite nice actually.  
We had invited our two new Ukrainian friends, Sa. & Sl., and our FL friends P& J and their NEW SON, E., over for dinner tonight, but had to cancel when our power went out at about 4 pm.  They came over before dinner time anyway and we spent some time here chatting while the Ukrainian Electricians worked around us to get the power back on. J   It is odd to not understand  a word the repairman says!  Fortunately it was still light outside, so it didn’t really affect us much.  Eventually after they rewired an appliance that kept flipping the breaker, our power is restored! YAY!  Since there was no way to cook a meal for 10 without power, we went out for Sushi.  Strangely, Sushi is SUPER popular here, available all over town and actually quite cheap.  Six California rolls cost less than they do at Target back in FL!   Sweet V. has tried Sushi somewhere before because when we had him this past weekend he kept asking for sushi every time he’d see a sushi sign. Even when we got to the 3 ft. $12  Pizza place called Mafia, he was asking for Sushi.  Strangely, my oldest son, J. also LOVES sushi.  Yet another way V. fits us!:) 
Little issues arose with our adoption processes this evening, so please pray for God’s peace and for His hand to move, protect and assist us.   We were warned that these little hiccups were not going to end just because we made it to the other side of the world.  So, here we go with our first little hiccup on the Ukraine side.  It should be fine, so trying not to worry. J  Please pray it doesn’t become a big hiccup.   Little did I know when I sang “Our God is Greater” with my sweet V. at Church on Sunday that I’d be “replaying it” in my mind tonight for peace and comfort!:)  Of course, God knew all along!!! 
BIG Congrats to our awesome friends, P. & J. and their new son, E.!!!  They had their court date today so now they begin their 10 day waiting period until they are able to start getting him his visas and medical, etc. in preparation to go home!  Wow, I'm going to miss them.  Their court date occured 3 weeks and 1 day after their referral at the SDA.  So for us, that would hopefully mean somewhere around Oct. 17th, which is our Anniversary!!!  What a great Anniversary present that would be!

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