Monday, March 12, 2012

Home visit...CHECK!:)

We had our home visit last Friday, the 9th, and it went very well!!  Praise God!! Our case worker (at least that's what our "home study lady" was called when we went through the foster adoption process:) was a sweet and wonderful lady!  She said she would have her part of our home study document ready by this FRIDAY, the 16th!   She is just waiting on 2 more references, our fingerprint results and one other document! 

After we receive our home study document, we submit the I600A (Application for Advance Processing of Orphan Petition) to the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).  The I-600A form requires ~$720 application fee plus $85 per adult for more fingerprinting.  I am mentioning that because several people have asked what all the money is for and when we have to pay each portion.  We have already paid $1,600 for the home study and $340 for fingerprinting.  Fortunately, God provided what we needed for both in my husband's bonus and our tax return...but now we are relying on God to bring in the rest of what we need from here on out.   The processing of the I600A form is supposed to take 75 days (nearly 11 weeks!).  Our new friends, who are ~2 months ahead of us adopting a little guy from our little guy's foster home, got their I600A  back in only 6 weeks, though!  God is so GOOD!  Praying for a QUICK turnaround for ours, too!

Also, we get to SKYPE with our little guy this week!  We are going to come up with a list of questions to ask him (favorite color, favorite food, etc)    Should be fun!

Thank you to those of you who have called or texted us to let us know you were planning to support our Lynch Adoption fund!  Just when we were both feeling a bit blue about the progress of the fund raising, three of you contacted us in 2 days and we were lifted up again!  Truly a gift from God!

Thank you all who are following our blog but unable to give at this time, as well!  We really appreciate your prayers for a speedy and smooth process.



  1. Sadly even though we had our home study a month ago it is in the same stage as yours. Maybe God is going to bring us to our sons and bring our sons home together! What an amazing experience that would be! God Bless You!
    Jenn and Paul Williams

  2. Hey Debbie,
    We got your email today. Congratulations!!! I am so excited for you guys! I remember talking to you at Chik-fil-a not too long ago about adoption and that you were praying that God would move in your hubby's heart:) I guess He heard you! I can relate! I can't remember where we were in our adoption process when we talked, but we are on track to bring our 13-year-old daughter home from China sometime this fall, Lord willing. I will be praying for you guys!
    Rebecca McKee
