Monday, March 5, 2012

If you would like to be a part of our Rescue Mission!:)

In an earlier post, ("Weej's Story"), we provided a mailing address for the 501-c3 we have been allowed to use for our fundraising efforts.  As I thought more about it... I wanted to also provide a way to give online (as I, personally, find that MUCH easier than writing out a check, finding an envelope & stamp, and getting it to the mail!:)  We are so spoiled these days, aren't we? 
So in case you would like to donate using paypal, go to:   (International Concern for Children Foundation).  Please specify that your donation is for the Lynch Family Adoption!:)
In case you would prefer to write a check (and save the paypal fee), and would rather not have to go searching on our blog for the link, the address is:

International Concern for Children's Foundation, Inc (ICCF)
P.O. Box 1714
Merrimack , NH 03054

Above all, please pray for us.  We need God to move mountains here so we need more "storming the gates of Heaven" with prayers, again!   We are still confident that He is orchestrating this, so we are going to keep believing that He will provide. 

Thank you all for reading this, thinking of us and praying for us!!


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