Monday, March 19, 2012

Skype & Baptism

Last Friday, March 16th, at 9 am, we got to Skype with our little guy!!!  He confirmed that he is really happy that we want to adopt him.  He then asked when we would be there.  The SLOW process is so hard to explain to a little guy!  We told him we hoped to travel this summer, which to a child seems like an eternity, I'm sure!
While we were "skyping" he excitedly told us that he got baptized 10 days ago and said, "be right back!" and ran off to get the picture!  He brought back a photo of himself and his Pastor in the water for baptism.   He was SO proud and so are we!   It nearly made me cry tears of joy for him, mixed with tears of sadness that we weren't with him for such an enormous life event.  Can you imagine being an orphan and never having a family at your big events to cheer you on?  First tooth, first step, first day of school, first cheerleaders.:(    But we are so happy we have finally found him so we can start sharing his new firsts (1st trip to Grandmas, 1st family trip, etc) ASAP!    He said his favorite color is blue, and his favorite animals are cats and dogs!  It's a good thing, since we have two of each!:)  We showed him one of our cats and one of our dogs and he seemed to really like them.
Today has been an excellent day in our adoption journey!  We received our largest donation yet and received news of two other groups which may be able to help us as we climb this financial mountain!
We are also nailing down dates for our yard sale (most likely April 27 & 28) as well as our pancake breakfast (probably April 7).  
We are continually astonished as we watch God move is an amazing journey.  If adoption has ever crossed your mind....please know that God is ALL FOR IT and will help you every step of the way!  There are so many  little ones (MILLIONS) wishing, waiting, hoping and praying they had a family.  Perhaps that is why you are reading this- because God has a special little guy or girl for YOU!:) 

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